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Many airlines are looking to leverage IT solutions to enable revenue growth and cost management and improve customer service. However, the solutions are often expensive and complex to implement and many airlines do not have the in-house skills or scale of resources to undertake these projects.  

Northridge Consulting Ltd can support an airline throughout the project lifecycle - from concept phase where the business problem is identified, possible solution strategies defined and a business case developed, through the RFP processes to implementation of the selected solution and then stabilisation and optimisation after cutover of the solution.


Our consulting network has an average of over 20 years of experience in delivering complex solutions to airlines, particularly in Passenger Services Solutions as well as Flight Operations and Crewing.

Concept Phase Services



  • Assessment of current platform.

  • Business case development.

  • Definition of business needs.

  • Solution design.

  • Market assessment.

Planning Phase Services



  • Requirements definition.

  • RFP preparation.

  • Proposal assessment.

  • Migration and implementation planning.

  • Integration and impacted systems planning

  • Programme organisation design.

Implementation Services



  • Programme Management.

  • Programme plan development and management.

  • Business Change Management.

  • Vendor Management.

  • Integration Planning.

  • Design of post cutover support organisation.

Operation and Optimisation



  • Contract & Provider Management.

  • Cost/Value Analysis.

  • Health Check.

  • Identification of improvement and optimisation opportunities.

Contact Us

If you want to know more about Northridge Consulting Ltd and how we can help you implement complex solutions then please contact us on

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